MST Staking Pool

How does staking work in Meridian?

To start staking all you need to do is deposit your MST token to the Meridian staking portal. Once done you will start earning a pro-rata share of the fees generated by the Meridian Finance portal.

How much will my staked MST earn?

MST provides its stakers with a share of the fees generated from any Meridian Finance product:

  • 100% of the minting and redemption fees from USDM are distributed to MST stakers (Meridian Mint).

  • 21% of borrower fees are allocated to MST stakers (Meridian Lend).

  • 30% of the fees from opening and closing leveraged positions go to MST stakers. (Meridian Trade)

  • 0.07% of every swap is distributed to MST stakers (Meridian Swap).

Is there a lock-up period?

You have the option to lock your MST tokens for amplified yield, though it's not mandatory. The maximum staking period currently available is 2 months.

Can I stake USDM?

You can only stake MST tokens. USDM can be deposited into the Stability Pool instead.

Are staked MST tokens used to backstop the system?

No, staked MST are not used to backstop the Meridian system.

Last updated