Meter Network

Meter Network is a decentralised blockchain platform committed to realising Satoshi’s original vision of creating metastable sound money independent of the fiat system. Meter Network is the industry’s first fully decentralised HotStuff2 public network, supporting the EVM (Ethereum virtual machine) and providing users with an unparalleled trading experience — low latency, fast transaction confirmations and instant finality. Meter promotes fairness with its MEV resistant Ethereum run time that safeguards retail users.

The Meter network uses a hybrid consensus mechanism that combines Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS). Specifically, Meter employs HotStuff-based Proof of Stake (HotStuff-PoS) for finality and consensus on blocks, while using Proof of Work (SHA-256) to regulate the creation of Meter's native stablecoin, MTR.

In this system:

  • Proof of Work (PoW): PoW is used to create and regulate the stablecoin (MTR) supply, ensuring it remains independent of the underlying blockchain's governance.

  • Proof of Stake (PoS): Validators participate in the PoS mechanism to validate transactions and secure the network, ensuring fast and secure consensus with finality.

This hybrid approach allows Meter to combine the security and stability aspects of PoW with the scalability and efficiency benefits of PoS.

Benefits Of The Meter Ecosystem

  • DeFi infrastructure: Meter was built from the ground up to enable DeFi. DeFi apps like decentralised exchanges, synthetic asset platforms, lending applications, and many others can be built on top of Meter to leverage its fast, decentralised network.And with Meter's EVM compatibility and future interoperability with Polkadot, Cosmos and many other public blockchains, Meter can be used as a side chain to help scale and enable value interaction acros.

  • Everyday payments: Meter can be used for everyday purchases and payments, such as for your cup of coffee, a new shirt, or payments to friends and family across the world.

  • Store of value: With governments devaluing their currencies with continuous printing, Meter maintains its long-term value by being pegged to 10 kW/h of electricity, one of the most stable resources in the world.

Connecting To The Meter Network

  • First go to and connect your wallet by pressing the button in the top right hand corner of the screen

  • Enter the word 'Meter' into the search bar at the top

  • Click the option to Add Chain

Bridging To The Meter Network

Meter Passport bridge enables the transfer of certain digital assets and other data back and forth between different networks like Polygon, Base, Ethereum, Arbitrum and other non EVM chains with meter. The passport bridge accepts popular wallets like Metamask Phanthom Subwallet Compass wallet and so many others.

To begin transfer between various networks and meter head over here


  • Whenever moving funds to a new location for the first time, test the process with a small transaction before committing all of your main funds.

  • Note that not all wallets support transfers direct to a contract address however this can be done using Metamask

  • Asides using the passport bridge, you can purchase $MTR from centralized exchanges

Last updated